Advice For Your Younger Self!

Hi, thanks for dropping by.

I am still building this website and will be coming soon in a few months. But before you leave, I would like to share a little bit about myself and the purpose of this blog.

I’m writing this blog as a way of helping me to relieve my work stress and also as a way of giving back. I felt incredibly fortunate about where I am at in life and where I’m going. So, I would like to share my journey on how I got here, what I have learned, how I would do things differently and how I planned to get to where I want to go.

Hm… Where to start? Well, I am currently living in a prosperous Asian country. I was originally born in Asia but moved to North America when I was very young and I stayed in North America for over two decades before moving back to Asia.

My wife and I met and married in North America and we are in our 40s. We have a young child and we are currently enjoying many of the great things this city has to offer.

Job-wise, I am an executive with a small to medium-sized multinational firm based in the United States and work as a regional executive for this division of the company.

There are the usual corporate politics, work idiosyncrasies, big personality and illogical groupthink. I have overtime created a strong personality to steel myself from these idiosyncrasies but also developed strategies to work with in this somewhat challenging work environment.

The job is stressful, but it also has its perks. This job enabled us to save for how our financial future and also able to help us to achieve or get close to achieving financial independence.

I figure everyone is stressed in their job, and not everyone is happy in their job. The question is how to make the best of it, either find ways to deal with it at work, or find other ways to deal with it outside of work, such that it will provide you with the best pay off and fulfillment in the long run.

As such, I would like to share with what I do at work to combat some of these challenges, and also share with you what I do outside of work with my eclectic interest to make the time that I’m working in the corporate world a little bit easier.

We are very grounded, down to earth, and live below our means. Right now, we are a single-income family with my wife focus on raising our child. We look forward to our “next stage” in a few years.

There is always a chance of corporate layoffs and restructuring, and we are preparing for it. Life is about changes and surprises, but we have to learn how to figure it out and move on.

Admittedly, I am an introvert and writing is not easy for me. I am financially trained so number is a lot more natural to me than writing, but this is something I always wanted to do and this blog hopefully will help me hone my skills. Also, this can be a time capsule for my thoughts such that when my son grow up he can read it and understand where his old man is coming from. This is actually a big part of the reasoning to create this blog… to memorialize our thoughts at this stage of our life so our child can point to this time capsule and understand us a little more when we look back.

What I would like to share in these pages is how I deal with the corporate world, my approach to life and financial independence and planning, my eclectic interest in some of the things that I do as well as some of the interest I have it in books movies and TV shows.

I hope you will enjoy the read as much as I enjoyed writing it and I would love to hear from you and your shared insight with me when the blog goes live. Your feedback for me is important and I love to hear your thoughts and help me to get better at what I do.

I look for forward to share our journey with you!